- Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Securi...
- Webinar Explores Opportunities to Boost Space C...
Webinar Explores Opportunities to Boost Space Collaboration Through Partnerships
In partnership with US Space Command, the Center for Indo-Pacific Affairs (UH-Manoa), Pacific Forum, and the Aerospace Corporation, the Daniel K. Inouye Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies convened a webinar as part of the 29th Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-29), on Tuesday 5 September.
“There appears to be opportunities to harness complementary [nations] to grow partnerships that will synergize the space sector in the Asia-Pacific,” said DKI APCSS professor Dr. Alfred Oelhers. “It appears we haven’t yet fully seized these opportunities to realize our potential.”
The webinar, titled “Accelerating Asia-Pacific Space Economies Through Partnerships: Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices,” promoted discussion on why, despite the growth of space economies across a broader range of Asia-Pacific nations, intra-regional space collaboration still lags across the region. Various guest speakers represented the military, civil, and commercial space sectors. The speakers included representatives from the US Space Command, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, the Aerospace Corporation, Lockheed Martin, the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and the Pacific Forum.
The discussions facilitated an exchange of perspectives on:
1. The principal challenges inhibiting regional partnerships from playing a catalyzing role in accelerating space economies.
2. Comparative regional partnership experiences and models that may helpfully inform future efforts guiding space policy.
3. The most promising regional partnership opportunities for the future in the Asia-Pacific across different space sectors.
The webinar was the third iteration in a series aligned with APRSAF Annual Meetings.