ACSS French Representative Discusses Successful Operations in Ivory Coast During Conference
Washington—Colonel Patrick de Vathaire, Senior French Representative at the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, spoke at the National Defense University on Dec. 1, 2011, about how his country successfully ran small military operations in Ivory Coast. His remarks were part of a...
Alumni Publication: "Foreign meddling and competing interests hinder any solution in Libya" by Mustafa Fetouri
On 27 July 2023, Middle East Monitor published NESA Center alum Mustafa Fetouri's Op-Ed "Foreign meddling and competing interests hinder any solution in Libya." "Since the country fell victim to the so called 'Arab Spring' in 2011, it became an open arena for all sorts of external...
Alumni Publication: "IAEA: Algeria Elected as a Member of the Agency’s Board of Governors for 2023–2025 (Analysis)" by Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui
On 10 October 2023, the NESA Center for Strategic Studies published NESA Center alum Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui's Op-Ed "IAEA: Algeria Elected as a Member of the Agency’s Board of Governors for 2023–2025 (Analysis)." "Algeria was elected by the 67th General Conference of the...
Publication des anciens : Algerie-France : Contentieux Nucleaire (Analyse) par le Dr Arslan Chikhaoui
L’Algérie signataire du Traité de Non-Prolifération des Armes de Destruction Massive continue sans relache à réclamer l’identification et la décontamination des sites d’enfouissement des matériaux radioactifs qui a eu lieu après le début des essais nucléaires de la France coloniale dans le...
The Niger Coup and Turkey’s Military Industrial Complex in Africa
On 23 August 2023, The Turkey Analyst published NESA Center regular speaker Professor Michaël Tanchum's article "The Niger Coup and Turkey’s Military Industrial Complex in Africa." "The recent military coup in Niger marks the point of no return for the unraveling of France’s dominant...