A Worldwide Experience Gained from One Location
On Saturday, March 18, we attended a DLIELC trip arranged by the International Field Studies Office. It was to the 59th An-nual San Antonio Folk Dance Festival held at Our Lady of the Lake University. This was our first time attending a fes-tival like this. It was a really amazing, unique...
DASD Sergio de la Peña Addresses Perry Center Alumni in Panama
Over 100 Perry Center alumni, Panamanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials, University of Panama and Florida State University faculty and students, and members of the diplomatic community gathered on Monday, February 3rd at the University of Panama for a Perry Center alumni event...
Panama National Security Policy Workshop
At the request of the new Government of Panama, the Perry Center held a one-day national security policy workshop (NSPW) for 30 officials from the Ministry of Public Security on August 7, 2019 at the InterContinental Miramar Hotel, in Panama City, Panama. Vice Minister of Public Security...
Perry Center Co-Hosts Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Seminar in Panama
February 5-7, 2020, the Perry Center co-hosted a three-day Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Seminar with the Panamanian Ministry of Public Security, the National Aeronaval Service of Panama, and the United States Embassy in Panama. Vice Minister of Public Security Ivor Pittí...
Perry Center Professor Conducts Counterterrorism Financing and Anti-Money Laundering Seminar in Panama
Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo conducted a counterterrorism financing and anti-money laundering seminar titled “Following the Money Trail to Combat Terrorism, Crime and Corruption” for the Superintendency of Banks of Panama on April 10, 2017 in Panama City, Panama in collaboration...