Since 1954, the Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC) has performed its mission to support the policies and objectives of the US Government and the US Department of Defense (DoD). DLIELC started as the US Air Force Language School; our primary mission was to teach English to allied pilot candidates.
In 1966, our mission expanded to include other career fields, and our school moved under the DoD, with the US Army as the executive agent. DLIELC assumed its present form in 1976 when the United States Air Force became the executive agent.
We have come a long way since DLIELC's inception, and in 1993, we inaugurated our modern campus located at Lackland AFB, Texas.
Today, there are more than 100 countries represented on any given day around campus, participating in one of DLIELC's many English language courses that prepare them for follow on training assignments or return to their home countries
Provide world-wide English language training and resident cultural immersion to enable US military and International partners to communicate in support of Department of Defense and Security Cooperation objectives.
An innovative world class military organization providing superior English language training around the globe.
Col. Joseph V. Schaefer Jr., DLIELC Commamdant
Welcome to the Defense Language Institute English Language Center, better known worldwide as DLI. We sincerely hope that this stop on the information highway will provide you with useful information about us--who we are and the services we provide.
Although DLI is under the operational control of the United States Air Force, it is a Department of Defense agency providing services to numerous and varied customers under the US Security Assistance Program. For some of these customers, our role is teaching international students general or special purpose English; for others, it is assisting them in learning to be English instructors and school administrators. For a growing number, it is providing in-country consultations through training detachments and teams; for still others, it is developing curriculum that can be used in their countries to meet their specific needs.
What you will experience as you visit our site is a glimpse of a dynamic organization, growing and responding to the changing needs of our customers and the needs of our changing world. Since 1954, DLI has been known as the "gateway to America," due to the fact that approximately one-third of the international students who come to the US for training begin their "American experience" with us.
DLIELC Commandant and 637TRG Commander: Col. Joseph V. Schaefer Jr. (Bio)
Contact DLIELC
Mailing address:
2230 Andrews Ave
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Alumni Contact (email link)
Webmaster (email link)