- Defense Institute of International Legal Studies
- GlobalNET member's - notifications settings in ...
GlobalNET member's - notifications settings in all user profiles have been reset
IMPORTANT NOTICE -- ALL www.diils.org GlobalNET users
On 17 November 2012, GlobalNET system notifications settings in all user profiles will be reset to “weekly” for all groups, events and threads in which you are subscribed. This means you will receive ONE “Weekly Digest” email with links to all of the updates for the centers, groups, events and posts in which you are a member. If you wish to change your Notifications settings AFTER 17 November 2012, logon to www.diils.org and follow these steps:
1. Select “My Profile”
2. Select “Notifications” in the left sidebar menu
3. Change Notifications as desired
4. “Save” your changes
If you need help setting your notifications, go to https://www.diils.org/help-page/notifications or email diils_webmaster@dsca.mil for assistance.
DIILS Webmaster