- George C. Marshall European Center for Security...
- GCMC Alumni Group
- 2018 Alumni Scholars Announced
The Marshall Center is pleased to announce the winners of the 2018 Alumni Scholars Program. This year we received over 125 applications for 15 available scholarships. The competition was extremely tough, and we congratulate all applicants on their outstanding work assembling their application packages. Below are the winners and their research topics.
Dr. Constantinos Adamides, Cyprus: Challenges and obstructed opportunities: Formulating National Security Strategies (NSS) in the presence of overarching existential threat(s)
Dr. Natalia Albu, Moldova: Mainstreaming gender perspective in the Security Sector of the Republic of Moldova: International commitments or national need?
Ms. Adila Aliyeva, Azerbaijan: Beyond the War of Political Elites: The Role of Civil Society Towards Common Security in the South Caucasus
Ms. Leyla Aliyeva, Azerbaijan: Developing an Effective National Cyber Security Policy for Azerbaijan
Mr. Daniel Bagge, Czech Republic: Cyber Security Revisited: Deception in Cyberspace and Impact on Military Decision Making
Mr. Gabor Csizmazia, Hungary: All Quiet on the Eastern Flank? Examining U.S. Presence in Central and Eastern Europe
Ms. Anna Gussarova, Kazakhstan: Language and Communications Strategy in CVE/T in Kazakhstan
LTC Sarder Ali Haider, Bangladesh: Capitalization of “Rohingya Crisis” by Transnational Militants - Assessing Security Threat to the South Asian region and its Global Impact
CDR Roslaw Jezewski, Poland: Demographic changes as the factor shaping cohesion and resilience of countries on Europe’s Eastern and Southern flank
Col Hennadiy Kovalenko, Ukraine: Ukrainian Defense Capabilities as an Enabler for Deterring Russian Aggression in Eastern Europe
Chief Inspector Vladan Lukic, Serbia: Influence of Corruption in Law Enforcement Agencies on Organized Crime in West Balkan Countries
Mr. Miroslav Mizera, Slovakia: Europe´s Eastern and Southern Flank- Role of STRATCOM in Security and Defense Policies
Ms. Susan Osembo, Kenya: Social Media as an Early Warning System for Security in Africa
Mr. Laurentiu Claudiu Sirbu, Romania: Via Pontica - An Assessment of the Black Sea Route as a Potential Major Migration Corridor from Turkey to Western Europe
Mr. Constantin Tudoriu, Romania: SOCMINT and its roll in extracting new threats indicators from jihadist propaganda, cyber-attacks and transnational organized crime
If your proposal was not selected, please do not be discouraged. Your continuing work in international security studies makes an essential contribution to global peace and security. Marshall Center alumni from around the world are having a positive impact and continue to use the alumni network to resolve important challenges. All applications will be kept on file, and if we have additional need for information on your proposed topic, we will contact you.
Thank you all again for taking the time to apply. The overwhelming response reiterates how many alumni want to stay connected and to continue the work started here. We plan to offer this program for 2019, and we look forward to hearing from you. Applications for the 2019 program will be solicited in August of 2018. Announcements and instructions will be emailed to all alumni, and posted here on GlobalNET.