Building Partnership Capacity
Building Partnership Capacity Targeted efforts to improve the collective capabilities and performance of the Department of Defense and its partners.

PfPC ADL WG meeting and Baltic ADL Day
The next PfPC ADL WG Meeting will take place in Tartu, Estonia on November 2-4 2010.The Baltic Defence College will host the ADL WG meeting in close cooperation and with the support from ISN Zurich.The event will be followed by a military-civil Baltic ADL Day on November 5, 2010 to foster...

13th PfPC Annual Conference in photos
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2017 Alumni Scholars Announced
The Alumni Programs Office is pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 Marshall Center Alumni Scholarships. This year, we solicited applications from nearly 12,000 alumni, and received over 200 proposals for 8 available scholarships. The Faculty Scholarship Committee read through all...
2017 Fiesta Flambeau Parade
Col Jeffrey Cooper, DLIELC Commandant and senior students from Egypt along with the Field Studies Flight led the 133 international students from 72 countries. This International Flag Formation Vangard marched in the 2017 Fiesta Flambeau Parade on April 29.
DIILS Leaders attended 2020 African Accountability Colloquium in March in Pretoria, South Africa. This event is the only military conference that exclusively brings together military commanders and legal advisors from across the African Union. 2020 African Accountability Colloquium
2023 NESA-AFRICOM Changing Nature of Security, Capacity, and Institutions Workshop
From 11–16 June 2023, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies conducted, in partnership with U.S. Africa Command, the “NESA-AFRICOM Changing Nature of Security, Capacity, and Institutions Workshop” in Casablanca, Morocco. Security discussions on capacity building and the...

ACSS Congratulates Veteran Staff Members on Promotions
ACSS Congratulates Veteran Staff Members on Promotions By Africa Center for Strategic Studies Updated: 10/26/2011 Kareem Oweiss Named New ACSS Director of Operations. The Africa Center is pleased to announce that Kareem Oweiss has been appointed the new Director of...

ACSS French Representative Discusses Successful Operations in Ivory Coast During Conference
Washington—Colonel Patrick de Vathaire, Senior French Representative at the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, spoke at the National Defense University on Dec. 1, 2011, about how his country successfully ran small military operations in Ivory Coast. His remarks were part of a...

Africa Center for Strategic Studies Begins African Defense Attaché Seminar
View Photos From This Event.WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Africa Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS) kicked off its African Defense Attaché Seminar at the National Defense University on Monday, Feb. 6, 2012. “The motives behind U.S. policy in Africa are...

African Illicit Commons Seminar Participants Network at ACSS Event
View photos from the event.The Africa Center for Strategic Studies hosted 19 African military and civilian leaders for an informal briefing and networking event at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 15, 2012. The leaders were on campus as participants in the...
Alumni Perspectives: Empowerment of Smaller Powers in South Asian Security Cooperation
While attending APCSS courses, Fellows are required to complete a Fellows Project which may be done as a presentation, research paper, or policy brief. APCSS is now making these papers available on line with our new Alumni Perspectives publications. "Empowerment of Smaller Powers in...
Brazilian War College Visits the Perry Center
September 20, 2018 On Monday, September 17, 2018 a delegation of officials from the Brazilian Superior War College visited the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies. The delegation led by Vice Admiral Carlos Frederico Carneiro Primo, was welcomed by National Defense...
CCM19-1 Fellows visit U.S. Coast Guard Sector Honolulu
On March 1, US Coast Guard Sector Honolulu and USCGC WALNUT hosted Fellows from the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, currently completing a five Week Comprehensive Crisis Management course, graduating on March 13, 2019. Coast Guard Sector Honolulu, who serves as...

Counternarcotics Seminar Session Focuses on Rule of Law and Corruption
View Photos From This Event. Guest speakers discussed the rule of law and anticorruption measures during a session of the four-day Countering Narcotics and the Illicit Commons symposium organized by the Africa Center and three other regional Department of Defense academic centers...

Counternarcotics Symposium Participants Asked to Share Knowledge During Closing Ceremony
Fifty-eight military and civilian officials from 32 countries received certificates for completing a four-day counternarcotics and transnational threats symposium on Feb. 16, 2012, at National Defense University in Washington, D.C. Four U.S. Department of Defense academic centers—Africa...

Dean Monde Muyangwa's Farewell Letter to ACSS Community
Dean Monde Muyangwa’s Farewell Letter to ACSS CommunityDear Africa Center Friends and Colleagues,It is with mixed emotions and genuine respect for you and all of those who have dedicated their careers to a more secure, stable, and prosperous Africa, that I write to inform you that after...

Defense Official Calls for More Cooperation Against Trafficking During Symposium Opening
View Photos From This Event. The only way for the world to counter the expanding international criminal drug trade is for nations to work together, a senior U.S. Defense Department official said during the opening of a transnational threats symposium in Washington, D.C., on...
DIILS teamed with the Staff Judge Advocate offices of U.S. Air Forces Southern and U.S. Army South to conduct an engagement in Guatemala City, Guatemala on the subject of Military Legal Capacity Building. The engagement involved 40 members of the Guatemalan Army and Ministry of National...
DIILS Engages with North Macedonia
DIILS met with the Secretary General of the government of the Republic of North Macedonia and leaders of the National Committee for Countering Violent Extremism and Counter Terrorism (NCCVECT) as a part of a legal institutional capacity building (ICB) program focused on interagency...
USAR Legal Command Deputy Commanding Officer displays the DSCA Director's awards presented by DIILS Director (right) and DIILS Deputy Director (left). On March 16, DIILS Director, Captain Robert Sanders, and his deputy, Commander Scotch Perdue, attended the United States Army Reserve's...

Российские вооруженные силы в 2020 году: Россия на обратном пути к проецированию силы? Последствия для НАТО
«Россия потеряла свою армию». Этот заголовок редакционной статьи, опубликованной на портале о вооруженных силах и глобальной обороне DefenceTalk в октябре 2003 года, дает представление о восприятии ситуации российским военным руководством в начале двадцать первого века.1 Развитие событий после...

Связь между публичной и военной дипломатией во внешней и оборонной политике
Идея «публичной дипломатии» была применена приблизительно сто лет назад как совершенно гражданский аспект дипломатии, чей смысл был информировать иностранное население и граждан о целях внешней политики данной страны путем использования информационных и культурных программ. В рамках философии...

Стратегическая коммуникация с исламским миром
Национальные государства (в особенности немусульманские государства) столкнутся с серьезными проблемами в борьбе с террористами, которые используют ислам как оправдание для своих действий. Эта форма терроризма является много мерной и глобальной, и похоже, эта борьба продолжится в течение жизни...

Основные вызовы и угрозы национальной безопасности: польская перспектива
В начале двадцать первого века угрозы безопасности Польши были существенно пересмотрены, и они продолжают изменяться. На текущий момент маловероятна угроза появления конфликта, который мог бы привести к войне глобального масштаба. Однако появились новые источники потенциального конфликта, которые...

Споры в Арктике: угрозы и возможности
В течение столетий Арктика была для человечества «святым местом». Эта замерзшая пустота была магнитом для авантюристов и исследователей, для всех, кто хотел бросить вызов себе или природе. В девятнадцатом веке «вершина мира» стала полем соперничества основных европейских и североамериканских стран...

Программа совершенствования образования в сфере обороны: опыт Казахстана
В 2008 году Национальный университет обороны Казахстана (КАЗ НУО) и Консорциум военных академий и исследовательских институтов по вопросам национальной безопасности инициативы «Партнерство ради мира» договорились о трехлетней программе сотрудничества. Идея программы состояла в том, чтобы ПРМ...

Deficiencies in Global Governance and Implications for Defense Education
Those contributing to international peace and stability act in an ever-changing, increasingly complex and inter-connected global environment. The international security landscape has changed considerably during the last twenty years, with important power shifts in international affairs, an...

Defense Education Enhancement Program: The Consortium Perspective
The Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes, based at the George C. Marshall Center in Garmisch, Germany, is leading an innovative and unprecedented program for defense education reform in five Partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan...

Overcoming the Challenge of Legacy Learning Methods
Recognizing the role of the leader points to the importance of how leaders are trained and developed so that they are capable of helping their institutions maintain the values of their organizations. This was found to be a concern of the defense and security leaders of the newly developed...

A Special Relationship: U.S. and NATO Engagement with the Partnership for Peace to Build Partner Capacity Through Education
A new security environment dramatically different from that which defined NATO’s mission at its inception poses different challenges for collective action. Newly emerging global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction confront both existing...

Defense Education Enhancement Program: The Kazakhstan Experience
In 2008, the National Defense University of Kazakhstan (KAZ NDU) and the Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes (PfPC) agreed on a three-year program of cooperation. The intent of the program was PfPC support for KAZ NDU’s attainment of international...

Politics and Higher Military Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Missed Opportunity
Developing higher military education (HME) is embedded in the overall development of modern armed forces. This development normally reflects adaptation to changes in the external strategic environment, changes in military technology and doctrine, and changes in the societal environment of the armed...

Недостатки в системе глобального управления и их последствия для образования в сфере обороны
Те, кто вносит свой вклад в дело международного мира и стабильности, работают в постоянно меняющейся, все более сложной и взаимосвязанной глобальной среде. Международный ландшафт безопасности существенно изменился за последние двадцать лет, произошли важные сдвиги в распределении сил в...

Некоторые ключевые принципы мультинационального военного образования
ВведениеОбразование является чем-то таким, что касается каждого человека в военной профессии, и имеет важное значение также и для гражданских лиц, работающих с военными. Каждый военный имеет персональный опыт, касающийся военного образования. В конце концов, сегодня нельзя достичь высоких военных...

Программа совершенствования военного образования: перспективы Консорциума
Консорциум «Партнерство ради мира» военных академий и институтов по изучению вопросов безопасности, базированный в Центре им. Джорджа К. Маршалла в Гармише, Германия, осуществляет инновационную и беспрецедентную программу реформирования системы военного образования в пяти странах-партнерах (Армении...

Образование для реформ: новые учащиеся, новые методы, новые оценки
В течение последних нескольких десятилетий мы стали свидетелями появления множества новых особенностей в военном деле, видимо по большей части таких, которые не в нашу пользу. В этой статье я предлагаю вкратце рассмотреть четыре изменения, которые выдвинули новые требования к военному образованию,...