Education and Training
Education and Training activities equip people with knowledge, know-how, skills and/or competences required in particular subject-matter or other topics where the purpose and range of educational institutions, the value of an educated and responsible citizenry, and the educational opportunities are available to all citizens.
101 Fellows Completed CSRT 14-1
This week 101 Fellows from 44 different locations graduated today from the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies’ Comprehensive Security Responses to Terrorism (CSRT) course in Honolulu. Of the 101 participants, 70% were from military organizations and law enforcement agencies, with...
2017 Alumni Scholars Announced
The Alumni Programs Office is pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 Marshall Center Alumni Scholarships. This year, we solicited applications from nearly 12,000 alumni, and received over 200 proposals for 8 available scholarships. The Faculty Scholarship Committee read through all...
2023 Air Command and Staff College Seminar
On 12 July 2023, the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies (NESA Center) hosted approximately 90 students and faculty from the Air Command and Staff College. The group was briefed at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C. by NESA Center Professor Dr. Gawdat Bahgat onsecurity challenges in...
2023 Eastern Mediterranean Security Roundtable
The Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies, in partnership with theTurkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies(TASAM), a leading Turkish think-tank, held a roundtable discussion in Istanbul, Türkiye, from 17–19 July 2023. Scholars from Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Kuwait, Lebanon,...
2023 Qatar Joint Staff College Washington Study-NESA Center Program
From 29 April–10 May 2023, the NESA Center hosted the Washington Study Program of Qatar’s Joaan bin Jassim Command and Staff College Senior Officer Program in Washington, D.C. The 38 participants included senior military officers and senior leaders from various Qatari government agencies. This...
2023 Royal Jordanian National Defense College Strategic Leadership Seminar
From 21–30 August 2023, the NESA Center conducted the “Perspectives on Strategic Leadership Seminar” with students and faculty of the Royal Jordanian National Defense College (RJNDC) in Amman, Jordan. Seminar content and instruction was led by NESA Center Associate Dean Charles Marks and...
2023 Silk Road Future Leaders Seminar
From 22–26 May 2023, the NESA Center for Strategic Studies hosted an informative Silk Road Future Leaders Seminar focused on the theme“Strategic Competition in Central and South Asia.”The seminar brought together the next generation of young military officers, diplomats, and academics from...
2024 Air War College International Officer Seminar
On 6 June 2024, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies hosted 49 international fellows and faculty from the Air War College. The students were briefed at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C. by NESA Center Associate Professor Dr.MichaelSharnoff on the Security Challenges in...
2024 Combating Transnational Threats Senior Executive Seminar (CTSES): "Countering Violent Extremist Organizations and Narratives"
From 29 April–3 May 2024, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies hosted a Combating Transnational Threats Senior Executive Seminar (CTSES), titled"Countering Violent Extremist Organizations and Narratives,"held at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C.The...
2024 Eastern Mediterranean Security Roundtable
The Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies, in partnership withSETA, a prominent Turkish think tank, held a roundtable discussion in Istanbul, Türkiye, from 15–17 July 2024. The event brought together ten ambassadors and scholars from think tanks from Morocco, Egypt, Türkiye...
2024 Indian Ocean Region Workshop
From 24–26 June 2024, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies, in cooperation with the National Maritime Foundation of India and its sister regional center,Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies(DKI APCSS), conducted a 2024 Indian Ocean Region Workshop...
332 Training Squadron change of command
By Annette Janetzke DLIELC Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas - Col. Sean Raesemann, Commander and DLIELC Commandant, passes the 332 Training Squadron guidon to the new 332 Training Squadron Commander and Dean of Academics for the Defense Language Institute English...
637th Training Group Assumption of Command
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas - Col. Jason Janaros, Commander, 37th Training Wing (left), passed the 637th Training Group guidon to Col. Kouji P. Gillis (right), who assumed command of the 637th TRG & DLIELC effective 10 July 2019. Prior to assuming command, Colonel Gillis was the...
ADL WG meeting in Riga, Latvia
Riga, Latvia (May 17, 2016) -- The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group, sponsored by the Partnership for Peace Consortium (PfPC) met from 25 - 27 April 2016 in Riga, Latvia. The Latvian National Defence Academy hosted over 40 Advanced Distributed Learning experts from 15...
Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group meeting in Georgia
Tbilisi, Georgia (28 November, 2016) – The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)/Technical Standards Working Group conducted its latest workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia from 15 – 17 November 2016. This event brought together 40 experts from 16 countries to review modern e-learning standards and...
Air Force English language beta test advances despite COVID-19
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO LACKLAND-Texas — The 37th Training Wing began a beta test in March for an Air Force version of the Defense Language Institute English Language Center Army Echo Company program which has been in existence since 1975. In partnership with Air Force Recruiting Service,...
Air Force’s inaugural ECHO Flight Airmen share their experiences
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas — There are many reasons why someone might want to join the United States Air Force. “I decided to follow in my grandfather’s footsteps,” said Airman Alexander Piniero Tulier. “I wanted to be my own person, and challenge myself, and see what I...
Air War College Seminar – Washington Program
On 23 June 2022, the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies (NESA Center) hosted 52 international fellows and faculty from the Air War College at Fort McNair in Washington, DC. The students were briefed by NESA Center Professor Dr. Gawdat Bahgat and NESA Center Academic Dean Dr....
Alumni Reunion and Academic Exchanges in Peru
A Perry Center team visited Peru the week of November 11, 2019, for a series of academic engagements with institutional partners and the growing alumni community in Lima. Over the course of the week, professors Celina Realuyo and Boris Saavedra along with Kara O’Ryan from the Educational...

APCSS welcomes eight new military faculty members
The Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies recently welcomed eight military officers as new members of its academic faculty. They are U.S. Army Lt. Col. Thomas Matelski, Lt. Col. Gregory Ford, Maj. Daniel Kent, Maj. Dave Cho, U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Edward Carpenter, U.S. Navy Cmdr. Jonathan...
The mission of the Defense Education Enhancement Program (DEEP) is to contribute to international security through professionalization of the officer corps, NCO corps and civilian defense officials of partner countries, making their defense education institutions compatible with Western...
The Defense Education Development Working Group (EDWG) is designed to promote international security cooperation by strengthening defense education in partner nations and consists of two core components: Defense Education Reference Curriculum Faculty Development These two core...

DIILS Charter
The Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS), under the functional direction of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, is the lead defense security cooperation resource for professional legal education, training, and rule of law programs for international military and...

NATO Training Technology Conference
You are invited to Everything Learning and Technology! When? 11-13 June, 2019 Virginia Beach, USA As the leader for shaping the future of NATO training, NATO Allied Command Transformation has organised this three-day collaborative event to inspire you with keynotes that hit home,...

Online courses available
This list of is updated often with online courses avaliable on PfPC LMS Powered by GlobalNET: Introduction to NATO (v.7.2) - 2017 The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to NATO structures, policies and operations, as well as, an overview of the current issues facing the...

Стратегическая коммуникация с исламским миром
Национальные государства (в особенности немусульманские государства) столкнутся с серьезными проблемами в борьбе с террористами, которые используют ислам как оправдание для своих действий. Эта форма терроризма является много мерной и глобальной, и похоже, эта борьба продолжится в течение жизни...

Основные вызовы и угрозы национальной безопасности: польская перспектива
В начале двадцать первого века угрозы безопасности Польши были существенно пересмотрены, и они продолжают изменяться. На текущий момент маловероятна угроза появления конфликта, который мог бы привести к войне глобального масштаба. Однако появились новые источники потенциального конфликта, которые...

Споры в Арктике: угрозы и возможности
В течение столетий Арктика была для человечества «святым местом». Эта замерзшая пустота была магнитом для авантюристов и исследователей, для всех, кто хотел бросить вызов себе или природе. В девятнадцатом веке «вершина мира» стала полем соперничества основных европейских и североамериканских стран...

Программа совершенствования образования в сфере обороны: опыт Казахстана
В 2008 году Национальный университет обороны Казахстана (КАЗ НУО) и Консорциум военных академий и исследовательских институтов по вопросам национальной безопасности инициативы «Партнерство ради мира» договорились о трехлетней программе сотрудничества. Идея программы состояла в том, чтобы ПРМ...

updated 18 June 2013 Title: Building Communities of Practice through collaborative learning at NATO School
For many years ADL or eLearning was seen as a concurrent to the traditional learning approach, which is based on classroom education. It took years to understand the possibilities of this form of learning and realize a solid ADL programme is not only a nice marketing tool, it is also an enhancement...

Some Key Principles of Multinational Military Education
Education is something that touches every single member of the military profession, and is important for the civilians who work with the military as well. Military education is something with which everyone in the military has some direct experience. After all, one could not get to top military...

Defense Education Enhancement Program: The Consortium Perspective
The Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes, based at the George C. Marshall Center in Garmisch, Germany, is leading an innovative and unprecedented program for defense education reform in five Partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan...

Education for Reform: New Students, New Methods, New Assessments
The last few decades have seen many new features introduced into the world of warfare, with an evident impact on those who go into harm’s way on our behalf. In this article, I propose to briefly examine four developments that have brought new requirements for military education, and then to think...

Overcoming the Challenge of Legacy Learning Methods
Recognizing the role of the leader points to the importance of how leaders are trained and developed so that they are capable of helping their institutions maintain the values of their organizations. This was found to be a concern of the defense and security leaders of the newly developed...

Defense Education Enhancement Program: The NATO Functional Clearing-House on Defense Education
In the immediate aftermath of the Cold War period in the 1990s, NATO was highly engaged with the armed forces of a number of states of the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Europe-based Warsaw Pact. The intent of this engagement was to assist their militaries in the process of Western-style...

A Special Relationship: U.S. and NATO Engagement with the Partnership for Peace to Build Partner Capacity Through Education
A new security environment dramatically different from that which defined NATO’s mission at its inception poses different challenges for collective action. Newly emerging global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction confront both existing...

Showing the Way: Contributions from NATO’s Newest Members
Trying to identify the symbolic turning points with respect to Poland’s focused contribution to NATO’s Defense Education Enhancement Program (DEEP) is a complex task.1 To begin, it is necessary to mention the Twelfth Annual Conference of the PfP Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies...

Managing Strategic Changes Through DEEP Reforms: A View from the Perspective of U.S.–Armenia “Smart Power” Cooperation
Education is a systematic process of forming the fundamental ability to think analytically, incorporating both basic and specialized knowledge. Therefore, in the armed forces of leading countries of the world, the field of military education and personnel management is regarded as a primary factor...

Moving Westward- The Azerbaijan DEEP Experience
Azerbaijan confronts a unique set of challenges and opportunities as it conducts a foreign policy aimed at alienating none of its neighbors while also modernizing its society and armed forces. While never applying for NATO membership, Azerbaijan still desires all the resources NATO makes available...

The Moldovan Military Academy: Transforming Officer Education
The twenty-first century has ushered in an era of dynamic changes to the international security environment, which demands new capabilities and responses to new threats, an increased likelihood of operating as part of a multinational effort, combined with an expectation of economic austerity...

Defense Education Enhancement Program: The Kazakhstan Experience
In 2008, the National Defense University of Kazakhstan (KAZ NDU) and the Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes (PfPC) agreed on a three-year program of cooperation. The intent of the program was PfPC support for KAZ NDU’s attainment of international...

Politics and Higher Military Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Missed Opportunity
Developing higher military education (HME) is embedded in the overall development of modern armed forces. This development normally reflects adaptation to changes in the external strategic environment, changes in military technology and doctrine, and changes in the societal environment of the armed...