- George C. Marshall European Center for Security...
- per Concordiam 2022 Call for Papers!
per Concordiam 2022 Call for Papers!
per Concordiam, our professional journal for European Security and Defense Issues, is seeking contributors for upcoming editions. This is your chance to be published in a premier journal for security and defense practitioners.
FY22 per Concordiam Themes – Times are approximate and used for planning purposes:
V12N4 Energy Security – article submissions due May 2022, publication August 2022
V13N1 Strategic Competition – article submissions due July 2022, publication October/November 2022
V13N2 Security Challenges (Balkans) – article submissions due October 2022, publication January/February 2023
V13N3 Europe and its Southern Partnerships – article submissions due January 2023, publication May/June 2023
Submission requirements:
- Writers must use the 2009 (or most recent) AP Stylebook.
- Articles must not contain footnotes, citations or a source list. If a quote is used the citation is to be included in the text, as in article attribution, for example; …. In his book, Book Title, Dr. Green explains “quote from the source…” which neatly summarizes….
- Feature articles aligned with the quarterly theme should not exceed 5,000 words. Department articles, covering a topic of interest to a specific region in Europe or Eurasia under the heading ‘Cooperation’, ‘Security’, ‘Policy’, are generally 2,000 words. Longer submissions are accepted, however authors should expect their submissions to be cut for space.
- If copyrighted material is used in the article, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission from the copyright holder. Names of authors, places and publishing houses must be written in their original form.
- Article submission written in English or can be translated into English.
- Photo is high resolution and not a screen capture affixed to a Word doc. or PDF.
- Permission received to utilize photo.
- Photo credit provided.
- Photo caption, ie… who, what, when, where and the why of the image.
- Photo is high resolution and not a screen capture affixed to a Word doc. or PDF.
- Do not send CV/Resume. A short bio consisting of about 5 lines is best.
Submissions and inquires can be directed to editor@perconcordiam.org
Thank you for your support and we look forward to your contributions! Alumni Programs