What is a Tag?
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What is a Tag?
Tags are labels that help categorize content by use of a simple keyword or general term. Tags can be assigned to a Group, Event or Course, or to GlobalNET content such as a Post or News article. Tagging content helps describe and categorize it and also allows it to be found easily in a GlobalNET search; tags can also help connect related content.
When creating tags, please observe these guidelines.
A Tag should be:
- A keyword or short phrase that is related to the content
- Useful and easy to remember
- Short and simple
A Tag should not be:
- Longer than a short phrase
- The name of a file
- Text containing a hash or # or other special character
- An abbreviation unless it is a branded term.
- All uppercase
Tags can be:
- A concept such as "Collaboration" or "Time management"
- A noun or a proper noun (E.g. George C. Marshall)
Click to see a list of All Tags on GlobalNET.