- Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies
- Atlantic Council 2023 Freedom and Prosperity In...
Atlantic Council 2023 Freedom and Prosperity Indexes

On 6 July 2023, the Atlantic Council's Freedom and Prosperity Center released its second annual Freedom and Prosperity Indexes, which use a diverse set of data to provide a unique, comprehensive measurement of freedom and prosperity in 164 countries around the world.
The Freedom Index measures economic, political, and legal freedoms while the Prosperity Index measures economic wellbeing and human flourishing.
Is freedom a precondition of prosperity? Do countries that become freer also become more prosperous? How are freedom and prosperity distributed around the world today? What has been the evolution of these measures in the past twenty-eight years and why? What components of freedom and prosperity have increased or decreased the most, and where?
The Atlantic Council’s Freedom and Prosperity Center created these indexes to provide a snapshot of the current distribution of freedom and prosperity, gain a sense of the evolution of both over the last twenty-eight years at global, regional, and country levels, and facilitate an exploration of the relationship between freedom and prosperity.
Watch a moderated discussion of the methodologies and key takeaways behind the 2023 Freedom and Prosperity Indexes, featuring authors Dan Negrea, Senior Director of the Freedom and Prosperity Center, and Joseph Lemoine, Deputy Director of the Freedom and Prosperity Center.
The views presented in this article are those of the speaker or author and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its components.