- William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense...
- Guatemala Alumni Association Organizes Cybersec...
Guatemala Alumni Association Organizes Cybersecurity Forum
On Tuesday, September 13, 2016 the Perry Center Alumni Association of Guatemala hosted a one-day Central American Cybersecurity and Cyberdefense Forum held at the Guatemalan Defense Ministry’s Conference Center. The forum was attended by 152 participants comprised of government officials, private sector civilians, academics, military personnel, congressmen, legislative advisors and over 30 WJPC graduates from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. Minister of Defense GEN Mansilla gave opening remarks and WJPC professor Dr. Boris Saavedra, Cnel. (R) Fernando Roman, Advisor at the Ministry of Defense Risk Management Office and Cnel. (R) Roberto Artiga, Director of Colegio de Altos Estudios Estrategicos (CAEE) El Salvador provided presentations as subject matter experts and participated in the final panel on regional challenges in cybersecurity. This forum was widely supported by the Ministry of Defense and the Secretaria Tecnica del Consejo Nacional de Seguridad of Guatemala. Additional photos of the event can be found in the following online album: