- William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense...
- Two Courses Begin at the Perry Center
Two Courses Begin at the Perry Center
On Monday, April 24, 2017 two courses began at the Perry Center: Strategic Implications of Human Rights and the Rule of Law (HR/ROL) and Combating Transnational Organized Crime and Illicit Networks in the Americas (CTOC). Over 80 military and civilian officials from 18 Western Hemisphere countries have been collaborating with Perry Center faculty and one another during multi-week distance-learning phases preceding their arrival in Washington. Students were welcomed by Dr. Scott Tollefson, Perry Center Dean of Academic Affairs, and Ambassador Donald Yamamoto, Senior Vice President of the National Defense University (NDU).
The Strategic Implications of Human Rights and the Rule of Law (HR/ROL) course examines the philosophical and theoretical foundations of human rights and the rule of law in modern societies. Students learn about and analyze the system of international human rights treaties and associated institutions including the United Nations, the Inter-American Human Rights Commission, and the International Criminal Court. Led by Dr. William Godnick, Perry Center Professor, and Visiting Professors Maria Teresa Belandria and Juan Carlos Gomez, this course develops participants’ knowledge and awareness of the key challenges that the states confront when adopting, adhering to, and implementing human rights laws in Latin America.
The second course, Combating Transnational Organized Crime and Illicit Networks in the Americas (CTOC), led by Perry Center Professors Celina Realuyo and Dr. Boris Saavedra, as well as Visiting Professor Ricardo Gomez Hecht, addresses the security and defense threats posed by transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) and evaluate national, regional, and international policy responses. Students, professors, and distinguished guest lecturers will consider issues including drug trafficking, money laundering, arms trafficking, human smuggling, counterfeiting, and cyber-crimes.
During their time in Washington, D.C., students will have the opportunity to interact and engage with various officials from the Department of Defense, Department of State, Organization of American States, and various international and non-governmental organizations.