External Publications

Dr. Jeremiah Lumbaca Advocates for a New Irregular Warfare Approach in the Indo-Pacific

In a recent article titled “Irregular Warfare Strategy to Counter CCP Activities in Indo-Pacific,” Dr. Jeremiah “Lumpy” Lumbaca proposes a comprehensive irregular warfare strategy that could allow the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command to disrupt the Chinese Communist Party’s malign activities and the...

Dr. Miemie Byrd’s Latest Article for the Diplomat

Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd’s latest article Myanmar is Not About to Become a ‘Fractured’ State was recently published by The Diplomat. Her article looks at political linkages between the country’s resistance groups, and their determination to build a federal democracy....

Every Taiwan Citizen a Resistance Member: Preparing for a Chinese Occupation

Dr. Jeremiah “Lumpy” Lumbaca, has a new article entitled “Every Taiwan Citizen a Resistance Member: Preparing for a Chinese Occupation” published by the Modern War Institute at West Point.  In the article, Lumbaca creates a scenario where the People’s Liberation Army (...

How Seoul Should Respond to North Korea’s Soldiers in Russia

By Lami Kim “How Seoul should respond to North Korea’s Soldiers in Russia” is a new OpEd by Dr. Lami Kim published by the United States Institute for Peace. As North Korean soldiers deploy to Russia, South Korea faces complex security challenges that could shift the regional military...

Is the Myanmar Military on Verge of Falling from Power?

In a new article for the Indo-Pacific Defense Journal, Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd highlights the potential collapse of Myanmar’s military junta, which seized power in February 2021. The resistance coalition, strengthened by an unprecedented alliance of ethnic armed organizations (EAO) and the...

Maj. Afua Boahema-Lee Publishes Climate Change Article

“Comparative Study on Climate Change in Thailand, Vietnam” is the latest article by U.S. Army Maj. Afua Boahema-Lee, published in Liaison, a journal of civil-military disaster management and humanitarian relief collaborations. Boahema-Lee presents a comprehensive, comparative study on...

New Policy Brief on China’s Nuclear Modernization and Northeast Asian Security

In a new policy brief published in the ASIA-Pacific Leadership network, DKI APCSS Prof. Lami Kim examines the implications of China’s nuclear weapons build-up on Northeast Asian security. Kim argues that the threat lies less in direct nuclear risk to the US homeland and more in the potential...

Vietnam’s Future Strategy

Dr. Alexander Vuving has a new article on “Vietnam headed to the future with a defective compass” published by the East Asia Forum. According to the article synopsis, last year, “Vietnam adopted a strategy that maintains an outlook of peace, cooperation, and development. It has formed...

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the pacific review bamboo in a storm the russia-ukraine war and vietnam's foreign policy the cambridge history of the vietnam war volume 3 vietnam's search for its place in the world
Dr. Alexander Vuving’s New Publications on Vietnam’s Past and Present

Dr. Alexander Vuving has two new publications exploring Vietnam’s history and foreign policy. The first is a peer-reviewed article published in The Pacific Review (Vol. 38, Issue 1, 2025), titled “Bamboo in a Storm: The Russia-Ukraine War and Vietnam’s Foreign Policy (2022–2024).”...

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