2024 Air Command and Staff College Seminar

On 28 June 2024, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies hosted approximately 85 students and faculty from the Air Command and Staff College. The group convened at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C., where they participated in a series of briefings and discussions. Dr. Gawdat...

2024 Security Opportunities in the MENA Region Seminar

From 19–23 August 2024, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies hosted a five-day seminar titled "Security Opportunities in the MENA Region" and was held in Washington, D.C. The event included 19 participants from 11 countries and provided a venue for partners to...

Executive Seminar: Changing Regional Security Dynamics in the MENA Region

From 3–7 June 2024, in partnership with the Policy Center for the New South, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies held an executive seminar in Rabat, Morocco. The seminar aimed to address the principal challenges facing Middle Eastern nations, exploring diverse...

Executive Seminar: Conflict Resolution, Cooperation, and Challenges in the MENA Region

From 9–13 December 2024, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies hosted an Executive Seminar entitled “Conflict Resolution, Cooperation, and Challenges in the MENA Region” in Washington, D.C. Led by Dr. Michael Sharnoff, the seminar focused on emerging dynamics in the MENA...

Security Opportunities in the MENA Region

From 21–25 August 2023, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies hosted an inaugural seminar focused on identifying security challenges in the MENA region and exploring potential opportunities for cooperation. The five-day seminar was titled “Security Opportunities in the...

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Publication des anciens : L'Algérie au centre de la politique africaine des Etats Unis à l’Ere d'une nouvelle dynamique géopolitique (Analyse) par le Dr Arslan Chikhaoui

A l’occasion de sa récente  conférence de presse, Madame l’Ambassadeur des Etats Unis à Alger, Moore Aubin,  a déclaré que: “….notre coopération sécuritaire et notre guerre commune contre le terrorisme sont la pierre angulaire de nos relations bilatérales, ainsi les deux pays œuvrent...

Publication des anciens : L'Algérie est en faveur d'une zone exempte d'armes de destruction massive dans la région par le Dr Arslan Chikhaoui

L’Algérie vient d’être élue en qualité de vice-présidente de la 27e session de la Conférence des Etats parties à la Convention sur l’interdiction des armes chimiques, qui se déroule à La Haye du 28 novembre au 2 décembre 2022. En effet, la politique de l’Algérie est en faveur d’une “zone exempte...

Publication des anciens : L'Algérie affirme son appartenance géoéconomique méditerranéenne avec sa profondeur africaine par le Dr Arslan Chikhaoui

Depuis la crise politico-militaire Russo-ukrainienne, la région Méditerranée s’est révélée le théâtre de manoeuvres politico-diplomatiques de puissances. Elle est ainsi le premier des théâtres géopolitiques. La Méditerranée est, par voie de conséquence, un enjeu à trois niveaux: stratégique,...

Alumni Publication: "IAEA: Algeria Elected as a Member of the Agency’s Board of Governors for 2023–2025 (Analysis)" by Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui

On 10 October 2023, the NESA Center for Strategic Studies published NESA Center alum Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui's Op-Ed "IAEA: Algeria Elected as a Member of the Agency’s Board of Governors for 2023–2025 (Analysis)." "Algeria was elected by the 67th General Conference of the...

Alumni Publication: "Warfare Strategies in the Twenty-First Century" by Eman Ragab

NESA Center alumna Eman Ragab's new edited book, "Warfare Strategies in the Twenty-First Century," published by the al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, is out in bookstores now and available for purchase. Book Description: In the twenty-first century, the conventional...

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