Advanced Distributed Learning
Advanced Distributed Learning Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) is the product of the ADL Initiative, established in 1997 to standardize and modernize training and education management and delivery. The Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (OUSD P&R) oversees the ADL Initiative.
A Record-Setting 235 Fellows Graduated from the Indo-Pacific Orientation Course!
The Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies graduated a record-setting 235 Fellows from Indo-Pacific Orientation Course 21-2. Administered November 15-19, 2021, IPOC 21-2 was the second course planned and executed in a HyFlex model. Professor James Minnich, course manager...
ADL 138 – Lessons Learned On-Line course
NATO is a Learning Organization. Among the other International Organisations, it has as well a LL process. The LL On-line course is designed to provide an overview of the NATO LL Capability. The course delivers an understanding of how NATO HQ’s and Unit’s capture lessons. Every member of...
ADL WG meeting in Riga, Latvia
Riga, Latvia (May 17, 2016) -- The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group, sponsored by the Partnership for Peace Consortium (PfPC) met from 25 - 27 April 2016 in Riga, Latvia. The Latvian National Defence Academy hosted over 40 Advanced Distributed Learning experts from 15...
Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group meeting in Georgia
Tbilisi, Georgia (28 November, 2016) – The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)/Technical Standards Working Group conducted its latest workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia from 15 – 17 November 2016. This event brought together 40 experts from 16 countries to review modern e-learning standards and...
CEDEYAC and CAEN Defense Studies Celebrations
The Perry Center congratulates the Defense Strategic Management and Crisis Management Course CEDEYAC on its 15th anniversary. Dr. Luis Bitencourt, on behalf of the Perry Center, participated in anniversary celebrations and the graduation of the 30th course of the CEDEYAC on October 27, 2016....
Chilean Naval War College Visits the Perry Center
August 10, 2016 On August 9, the Perry Center hosted a delegation of staff and students from Chile’s Naval War College (ACANAV) as part of that institution’s annual visit to the United States. Led by ACANAV Director CAPT Gonzalo Peñaranda Moran, the 53-person delegation included students...
Defense Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia welcomes participants to the ADL workshop.
In her remarks opening the event, Her Excellency Radmila Sekerinska welcomed the participants, and underscored the importance of international cooperation to promote both professional education and how it links to future security. “North Macedonia has strength in its diversity and welcomes...
Digital Badges at NSO
A digital badge is essentially a validated indicator of accomplishment that will enable NSO students and instructors to share their credentials on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, via email or embedded in a personal website, in a way that can be credibly verified. When an individual clicks on a...
Guatemala’s Command for Education of the Armed Forces (COSEDE) visits the Perry Center
On Monday, November 28, the Perry Center received a delegation from the Course of Superior Strategic Studies (CAEE) of the Command for Education of the Armed Forces of Guatemala (COSEDE). The delegation, led by Brigadier General Byron Gutierrez, COSEDE Commander, included 41 students. Director...
iFest 2019
The National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA), in collaboration with the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative, hosted iFEST 2019 at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center (Alexandria, Virginia, USA) 26-28 August 2019. Over 350 attendees from the military, government, industry,...
iFEST 2021
iFEST 2021 Online Conference Mark your calendars for 31 August – 2 September to join us virtually for iFEST 2021. A year of dramatic shifts in online education and training have made iFEST 2021 a must-participate conference for the distributed learning community. iFEST brings together...
M7-126 NATO eLearning Instructional Design Course
Each year NATO School will conduct two iterations of the “M7-126 NATO eLearning Instructional Design Course”. It aims to provide participants with the basic knowledge required to create eLearning products. Furthermore the students will learn how to implement and evaluate eLearning solutions in...
M7-126 NATO eLearning Instructional Design Course
NATO School Oberammergau will conduct twice a year the “M7-126 NATO eLearning Instructional Design Course”. It aims to provide participants with the basic knowledge required to create eLearning products. Furthermore the students will learn how to implement and evaluate eLearning solutions in...
Marshall Center faculty member, Dr. Greg Gleason, publishes article in the Kazakh journal "Kazakhstan in Global Processes"
Click on the picture above to download the article!
NATO Design and Innovation Courses
One of the newest addition to the NATO School Oberammergau course catalog just completed with the first iteration of the NATO Design and Innovation Basic Course. This course have been, conducted in a 'flipped classroom' adult learning configuration over five days providing foundational...
NATO Joint Advanced Distributed Learning Online Course Catalog 2019
NATO Joint Advanced Distributed Learning has published the Online Course Catalog 2019 and this isavailable for download on JADL and on GlobalNET here.
NSO ADL Team @ iFest2020
The National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA), in collaboration with the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative, hosted iFEST 2020 onlline 17-19 August 2020. Attendees from the military, government, industry, and academia participated in the three-day symposium focused on...
The showcase of the 13th Annual e-Learning Forum, hosted by Joint Advanced Distributed Learning, Allied Command Transformation (ACT) in September 2018 in Norfolk, Virginia, was won by NATO School Oberammergau (NSO) M7-126 alumni. During the showcase, ADL teams from several...
Perry Center Explores Solutions to Complex Threats in New Academic Course
July 15, 2016 More than 30 students from 10 Latin American countries are attending a new academic course at the William J. Perry Center on how to handle complex security threats. The course, Defense Policy and Complex Threats (DPCT), is directed by Dr. Luis Bitencourt and Professor...
Perry Center Professor Leads VTC Session on Security and Defense
On April 25th,Perry Center Professor Boris Saavedra conducted a VTC in support of CAEN‘s (Center for Higher National Studies) CEDEYAC course. With approximately 45 participants, Professor Saavedra discussed the conceptual framework of security and defense in the Western Hemisphere, followed by...

NATO Training Technology Conference
You are invited to Everything Learning and Technology! When? 11-13 June, 2019 Virginia Beach, USA As the leader for shaping the future of NATO training, NATO Allied Command Transformation has organised this three-day collaborative event to inspire you with keynotes that hit home,...