Disaster Management & Response
Disaster Management & Response Measures taken before, during, or after hostile action or natural or manmade disasters to reduce the probability of damage, minimize its effects, and initiate recovery.
Enhancing Trilateral Disaster Preparedness and Relief Cooperation between Japan, U.S. and Australia: Approaches from Various Civil-Military Perspectives
APCSS is pleased to announce the release of a report examining the possibilities of and also challenges to trilateral cooperation between the U.S.-Japan-Australia in international disaster relief in the Asia-Pacific region. The title of the report is: Enhancing Trilateral Disaster Preparedness...
- UPDATE - Transatlantic Security Jam: Securing the post COVID future, Started 15:00 CET
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, May 2020 - The COVID-19 pandemic has had a swift and severe impact on our societies. In the midst of this pandemic, many of us are facing new challenges and are asking what is next. This exclusive online event will focus on how to secure the post COVID future....

ACSS French Representative Discusses Successful Operations in Ivory Coast During Conference
Washington—Colonel Patrick de Vathaire, Senior French Representative at the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, spoke at the National Defense University on Dec. 1, 2011, about how his country successfully ran small military operations in Ivory Coast. His remarks were part of a...
APCSS Publishes New Book ‘Regionalism, Security & Cooperation in Oceania’
“Regionalism, Security & Cooperation in Oceania” is the latest book to be published by the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. The book is edited by APCSS professor Dr. Rouben Azizian and Dean of the College of Security Studies Carleton Cramer. According to Dr. Azizian,...
CCM 19-1 concludes with 101 new Alumni!
One hundred and one Fellows from 36 locations completed the Comprehensive Crisis Management course (CCM 19-1) held at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS) from Feb. 7 to March 13. Managing crises involves a host of government and non-government actors,...
CFE-DMHA Disaster Management Ref Handbooks Online
CFE-DM's Disaster Management Reference Handbooks provide a baseline of information regarding countries most prone to disasters. The handbooks offer readers an operational understanding of a nation's disaster management capability and vulnerability, with detailed information on demographics;...
Communication as a Lifeline
You cannot coordinate if you cannot communicate—former Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco stated that this is one of the lessons the state learned from Hurricane Katrina. Communications infrastructure provides a key lifeline to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) operations as...
COVID-19: Resources for Alumni - Useful Information Related to the COVID-19 Global Pandemic
In recognition of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, the Marshall Center is assembling information and resources that may help manage the crisis. We are collecting COVID-19 related links to articles, blogs, orpublished papers on GlobalNET so that we can offer a focused and productive...
KATHMANDU, 29 July 2016 - The Defense Institute of International Legal Studies conducted a Legal Capabilities Review with the Government of Nepal to assess the opportunity for U.S. legal engagement with the Ministry of Defense on enhancements to the military justice system, national...
DKI APCSS & RSIS joint publication on Disaster Response Regional Architectures Assessing Future Possibilities
“Disaster Response Regional Architectures: Assessing Future Possibilities” is a new joint publication by the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies and the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. The concept for the book, edited by Jessica Ear, Alistair D.B. Cook,...
DKI APCSS and RSIS cohosted the workshop on “Disaster Response Regional Architectures: Assessing Future Possibilities"
The co-hosts convened 33 humanitarian assistance and disaster response (HADR) professionals, to include serving military and civilian government officials, educators and civil society representatives from four sub-regions: Northeast Asia, South Asia, Oceania and Southeast Asia to share varying...
DKI APCSS supports ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief exercise
The current co-chairs of the ASEAN Defence Ministers Plus Expert Working Group on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (ADMM Plus EWG HADR) are Malaysia and United States. As part of this co-chair role, both countries worked together to facilitate a table top exercise (TTX) in Kuala...
Exercising multinational civil-military humanitarian assistance and disaster relief capacity in Oceania
Pacific Resilience is the U.S. Army Pacific’s (USARPAC) primary Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HADR) engagement platform, which provides opportunities for USARPAC and a partner nation to collaborate together on civil-military disaster preparedness, response and recovery. The Pacific...

Experts Discuss Food Insecurity in the Horn of Africa
View Photos of This Event.Government, academic, and civil society speakers presented a range of insights into the human, political, and military implications of food insecurity in the Horn of Africa during a conference at National Defense University (NDU) in Washington, D.C., on March 8, 2012...
First course on Comprehensive Crisis Management of 2020 concludes
One hundred and seven Fellows from 44 locations completed the Comprehensive Crisis Management course (CCM 20-1) held at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS) from Jan. 23 – Feb. 26, 2020. CCM is an annual executive education program designed to educate...
Incremental Community-Based Exit Strategies for Initiating and Removing Covid-19 Lockdowns
“Incremental Community-Based Exit Strategies for Initiating and Removing Covid-19 Lockdowns” is the latest Security Nexus Perspective published by the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. Authored by Dr. Benjamin Ryan of Baylor University, Damon Coppola of Shoreline...
Indo-Pacific terrorism & Crisis Leadership reports are the first publications for the new Security Nexus journal
Security Nexus, a new journal from the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, is a free, open access, international, peer-reviewed, online publication by DKI-APCSS faculty and alumni. It features original research, reviews, policy papers, and management articles in the...
Maritime Domain Awareness and Maritime Fusion Centers
Excerpt: The essential mission of a MFC is to strengthen MDA by gathering and analyzing data from multiple sources, fusing it into meaningful information, and disseminating actionable intelligence to operational commanders to directly improve national security, safety, economy, and environment...
Marshall Center PTSS Alumnus publishes new book!
Yuri Gramajo, a GCMC graduate of PTSS 2009-7,just published his sixth book, entitled "Debate Internacional". Published in Argentina, this book addressesmultiple international scenarioswith significant global impact. The book was co-authored by academics from Argentina, Chile, Spain...
Mr. Krishna Bahadur Raut Receives the 2021 ‘Alumni of the Year’ Award
Mr. Krishna Bahadur Raut, received the 2021 DKI APCSS Alumni of the Year award for completing his Fellows Project titled, “Expansion of Emergency Operations in Nepal.” DKI APCSS recognized Raut’s contributions as an alumnus who significantly improved the peace and security within his...
Climate disruption in South Asia is increasing security threats - including food and water insecurity, displacement, migration, increased competition over natural resources, and conflicts – and these are predicted to grow in future years. Simultaneously, lack of awareness and limited access to...

Disunity in Global Jihad. WINTER 2017
Disunity in Global Jihad The Winter 2017 issue of Connections is dedicated to the controversies between al-Qaeda (AQ) and Islamic State (IS) and their historical, ideological or geographical affiliates. The issue has been prepared by theDanish Institute for International Studies, withDr. Manni...

Hybrid Warfare, Parliamentary Investigations of Terrorist Attacks, Climate Change and Security Cooperation. SPRING 2017
The Spring 2017 issue of Connections presents hybrid warfare in the experience of Ukraine, with examples and ideas how the country can better organize to deliver advanced technologies to the warfighter. Other contributions examine the effectiveness of parliamentary investigations of terrorist...

CFE-DM's Northeast Asia Disaster Management Reference Handbook
CFE-DM's Northeast Asia Disaster Management Reference Handbook is available! It examines how China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan contribute to global humanitarian response and disaster relief. Click here to read the handbook:https://www.cfe-dmha.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=SDhPdJv5e2Y%3d...

Search and Rescue Capacity Building of Nepal's Security Forces For Effective Response
Jeevan K.C., an alumnus of DKIAPCSS CCM 18-1, published an article highlighting Nepal's security forces integral role in disaster response and its need of the capacity building in search and rescue. Click here to read the article.

Alumni Publication: "Changing tides: Responding to China’s emergence in Indo-Pacific humanitarian assistance and disaster relief" by Dr. Frédéric Grare
On 18 July 2024, the Australian National University (ANU) National Security College (NSC) published NESA Center alum Dr. Frédéric Grare's latest research paper on ways to enhance cooperationon humanitarian assistance and disaster relief in the Indo-Pacific. Executive summary: Humanitarian...