Economic Security
Economics has a direct impact on the security and stability of nations. Articles in this category may cover a nation's economy and how it impacts stability within the country or global economics and how it can impact regional security and potentially undermine the sovereignty of a nation. For example - debt-trap diplomacy.
2023 Lebanese Armed Forces Seminar
From April 10–14, 2023, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies hosted a seminar titled “An Evolving World Order” at National Defense University (NDU) in Washington, DC. The program was designed to provide an academic setting in which these officers could examine ideas...
2023 NESA-AFRICOM Changing Nature of Security, Capacity, and Institutions Workshop
From 11–16 June 2023, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies conducted, in partnership with U.S. Africa Command, the “NESA-AFRICOM Changing Nature of Security, Capacity, and Institutions Workshop” in Casablanca, Morocco. Security discussions on capacity building and the...
2024 Eastern Mediterranean Security Roundtable
The Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies, in partnership withSETA, a prominent Turkish think tank, held a roundtable discussion in Istanbul, Türkiye, from 15–17 July 2024. The event brought together ten ambassadors and scholars from think tanks from Morocco, Egypt, Türkiye...
2024 Tunisian National Defense Institute National Security Seminar
From 16–24 April 2024, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies, in partnership with U.S. Africa Command, held its annual Tunisian National Defense Institute (TNDI) National Security Seminar for 45 senior government officials from 14 Tunisian agencies, as well as the...
Connecting Central Asia, the South Caucasus, and Beyond
From 9–12 July 2023, the NESA Center hosted the 10thannual Strategic Studies Network (SSN) Central Asia Working Group meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan. The NESA Center partnered with theCaspian Policy Center(CPC) and theAzerbaijan Diplomatic Academy(ADA) to manage the workshop that gathered experts...
CSC 22-2 Features Tracks in Strategic Studies, Cybersecurity, and Crisis Management
The Daniel K. Inouye Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies completed its second iteration of the Comprehensive Security Cooperation (CSC) course, graduating 82 Fellows from 29 countries. The 5-week, intensive program, took place from May 25- June 20. Through plenary lectures and small-group...
DKI APCSS Professor Sungmin Cho Featured on the Nordic Asia Podcast
On March 27, the Nordic Asia Podcast featured DKI APCSS professor Dr. Sungmin Cho who spoke on the multi-faceted security dilemmas that beset the Korean Peninsula. In the thirty-minute interview, Dr. Cho forecasted future changes for South Korea’s President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol’s foreign...
Eastern Mediterranean Sea Security Roundtable
From 12-14 September 2022, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies organized a roundtable discussion on security in the Mediterranean Sea in Rabat, Morocco. Scholars and representatives of civil society from Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey...
Executive Seminar: Strategic Competition and Regional Cooperation
From 4–15 December 2023, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies hosted the Executive Seminar (ES): “Strategic Competition and Regional Cooperation.” Throughout the two-week virtual event, the NESA Center hosted representatives from all over the world to discuss different...
Executive Seminar: Strategic Power Competition in a Multipolar World
From 5–16 December 2022, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies hosted an Executive Seminar (ES) titled “Strategic Power Competition in a Multipolar World.” The virtual seminar’s focus on strategic power competition helped define what “global power” and “competition” mean...
How Beijing Sees Korea
Dr.Sungmin Cho recently joined ChinaTalk for a discussion on the dynamics among China, North and South Koreas. ChinaTalk is an interview-based show sponsored by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). In this 40-minute episode, Dr.Cho discusses why North Korea failed to emulate Deng...
Is the U.S. Relationship with Australia Detrimental to Strategic Aspirations with Papua New Guinea?
“Is the U.S. Relationship with Australia Detrimental to Strategic Aspirations with Papua New Guinea?” is the title of a paper written by DKI APCSS professor Dr. Deon Canyon and Michael Kabuni for Security Nexus. This article discusses the pitfalls of the U.S. – Australia relationship, and...
Looking Forward: Pandemic, Economic, Vaccine and Social Predictions for ‘Year Two’
“Looking Forward: Pandemic, Economic, Vaccine and Social Predictions for ‘Year Two’” is the title of a paper by Drs. Sebastian Kevany and Deon Canyon forSecurity Nexus. This paper attempts to provide predictions and advice for policymakers as we enter year two of the COVID pandemic. Summary...
NESA Center Faculty Conduct a Third Annual Strategic Dialogue with the Armenian National Defense Research University
From 18–21 March 2024, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies convened a seminar-based dialogue on national strategic issues led by NESA Center faculty members Academic Dean Dr. Roger Kangas, Dr. Gawdat Bahgat, Professor Richard Wiersema, and Associate Dean Charles Marks...
NESA Center Strategic Studies Network MENA Workshop
The Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies held a Strategic Studies Network (SSN) meeting in Manama, Bahrain, from 14–16 March 2023. Twelve representatives of civil society from the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region participated in a roundtable discussion. NESA Center...
NESA IOR Digital Series with Pierre Morcos
09 February 2022 – This iteration of the NESA IOR Digital Series, led by NESA Center Professor Jeffrey Payne, featured remarks by Pierre Morcos, who is currently a visiting fellow in the Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Mr....
NESA-AFRICOM 2023 Workshop Series and NESA Center Women, Peace, and Security E-Book Release
From 29 April – 6 May 2023, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies, in partnership with U.S. Africa Command, held three back-to-back workshop series in Bangkok, Thailand, for senior government and civilian security experts and a “whole of society” approach from 24...
NESA-IISS China-India Workshop in Singapore
In partnership with the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), the NESA Center for Strategic Studies participated in their first-ever track 1.5 workshopon Sino-Indian relations from 26–27 April 2023 in Singapore. NESA Center Dean Dr. Roger Kangas and faculty members Jeffrey...
SSN: Environmental Security Seminar
The Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies held its "Strategic Studies Network (SSN) Environmental Security" seminar in Washington, D.C., from 22–24 April 2024 for 21 participants from 18 countries. The three-day seminar had the goal of bringing together participants to...
Comprehensive Security Cooperation 23-3
During this five-week course, you will collaborate with security practitioners from governments and agencies from across the Indo-Pacific representing a diverse regional beliefs and perspectives on a wide array of security issues. The termcomprehensive securitygoes beyond military defense to...
Comprehensive Security Cooperation 24-1
During this five-week course, you will collaborate with security practitioners from governments and agencies from across the Indo-Pacific representing a diverse regional beliefs and perspectives on a wide array of security issues. The termcomprehensive securitygoes beyond military defense to...
The Comprehensive Security Cooperation (CSC) course is a 5-week in-resident executive program offered three times a year for mid-level military, government and non-government professionals who intersect with the security sphere. Fellows spend two-thirds of their time on cross-cutting...
The Comprehensive Security Cooperation (CSC) course is a 5-week in-resident executive program offered three times a year for mid-level military, government and non-government professionals who intersect with the security sphere. Fellows spend two-thirds of their time on cross-cutting...
Alumni Publication: Ayman al-Zawahiri's Death and Political-Economic Fragility in South Asia
Political and economic dysfunction is an invitation for terrorism to flourish in the least integrated region in the world, South Asia. P.R Chari, director atIPCS India, captured this a year after the 9/11 attack in a paper called “Combating Terrorism: Devising cooperative countermeasures,” arguing...
Alumni Publication: The I2U2 minilateral group by Viraj Solanki and Dr. Hasan Alhasan
NESA Center alumnus Viraj Solankicontributed to an analysis of the recent formation of a newquadrilateral group, the I2U2, published attheInternational Institute for Strategic Studies. "The leaders of four countries – India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates and the United States – met for the...
CSAG Strategy Paper: Weaponizing the Belt and Road Initiative
Overview: In October 2012, Professor Wang Jisi was the first Chinese scholar to speak about the need for China to revitalize the three Silk Roads to Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Central Asia. One year later, China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative became prominent. President Xi Jinping, in a...
Publication des anciens : Sommet de Davos 2023 (Analyse) par le Dr Arslan Chikhaoui
Au regard des discussions au Forum de Davos, je réaffirme sans ambiguité que le paysage mondial s’achemine vers une cartographie géopolitique et géoéconomique multipolaire qui se dessinera avec ses certitudes et ses incertitudes résumées comme suit : Les Certitudes Une déglobalisation...
Brookings Initiative on Nonstate Armed Actors
On 27 January 2023, The Brookings Institution released part I of the Initiative on Nonstate Armed Actors annual briefing book. The newly released commentary discusses some of the key trends, issues, and priority areas regarding illicit economies, organized crime, and nonstate armed actors and...
Gulf International Forum: The Gulf in 2023 Expert Outlook
NESA Center Professor Dr. Gawdat Bahgat and Associate Professor David Des Roches provided predictions for the Gulf in 2023 for the Gulf International Forum publication titled "The Gulf in 2023 Expert Outlook" published on 12 January 2023. The Forum’s group of experts share their forecasts for...
Alumni Publication: China’s Challenges in Afghanistan Are Just Beginning by Shanthie Mariet D'Souza
NESA Center Alumna Dr.Shanthie Mariet D'Souzaauthored an article published byThe National Intereston 6 February 2023 titled “China’s Challenges in Afghanistan Are Just Beginning." Read the article here The views presented in this article are those of the speaker or author...
Alumni Publication: Food Insecurity: The Current Crisis by Charani Patabendige
On 23 January 2023, Modern Diplomacy publishedNESA Center alumna Charani Patabendige's article titled "Food Insecurity: The Current Crisis." Charani LCM Patabendige is a Research Assistant and an Acting Research Analyst at the Institute of National Security Studies (INSS), the premier think tank...
Faculty Publication: "Security in the Gulf: The View from Oman" by Dr. Gawdat Bahgat
On 24 February 2023, Middle East Policy Journalpublished NESA Center Professor Dr. Gawdat Bahgat's article titled "Security in the Gulf: The View from Oman." Dr. Bahgat is a professor of national security at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies.He thanks the Omani officials who...
Alumni Publication: "Algeria’s 2023 budget: President Tebboune’s make-or-break first-term project" by Zine Labidine Ghebouli
On 08 March 2023,The Middle East Institute (MEI) published NESA Center alumnusZine Labidine Ghebouli'slatest piece on Algeria's military and economic dynamics, titled "Algeria’s 2023 budget: President Tebboune’s make-or-break first-term project." "This year could make or break Tebboune’s tenure...
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Report: "Lowering the Cost of Borrowing in Africa – The Role of Sovereign Credit Ratings"
On 03 April 2023, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) released the report "Lowering the Cost of Borrowing in Africa – The Role of Sovereign Credit Ratings." "The role of credit rating agencies is critical in determining sovereign creditworthiness and, consequently, the cost of debt...
Climate Change Threatens Turkey’s Role as a Food Supplier to Europe and the Middle East
On 18 July 2023, The Turkey Analyst published NESA Center regular speaker Professor Michaël Tanchum's article "Climate Change Threatens Turkey’s Role as a Food Supplier to Europe and the Middle East." "The persistence of high food inflation in Turkey belies a deeper problem. Turkish agrifood...
Alumni Publication: "Power couple: How Europe and Algeria can move beyond energy cooperation" by Zine Labidine Ghebouli
On 17 July 2023,European Council on Foreign Relations published NESA Center alumZine Labidine Ghebouli's policy brief"Power couple: How Europe and Algeria can move beyond energy cooperation." Ghebouli explains how Europe and Algeria have an opportunity to build a broader cooperation on energy,...
Turkey's role after the Black Sea grain deal collapse has become even more critical
On 24 July 2023, The National (UAE) published NESA Center regular speaker Professor Michaël Tanchum's Op-Ed "Turkey's role after the Black Sea grain deal collapse has become even more critical." Tanchum arguesAnkara is a vital link in some of the Middle East’s most vulnerable countries' wheat-to...
Alumni Publication: "The Cost of Uzbekistan’s ‘Pragmatic’ Taliban Policy" by Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
On 22 July 2023, The Diplomat published NESA Center alumnaShanthie Mariet D’Souza's Op-Ed "The Cost of Uzbekistan’s ‘Pragmatic’ Taliban Policy." "Tashkent’s approach to the Taliban has shifted over the years, with the latest swing moving it toward more direct engagement," writesD’Souza. Read...
The Russia-Ukraine war forces Egypt to face the need to feed itself: Infrastructure, international partnerships, and agritech can provide the solutions
On 25 July 2023, the Middle East Institute published NESA Center regular speaker Professor Michaël Tanchum's article "The Russia-Ukraine war forces Egypt to face the need to feed itself: Infrastructure, international partnerships, and agritech can provide the solutions." Tanchum provides the...
Alumni Publication: "Could oil revenue sharing trigger another war in Libya?" by Mustafa Fetouri
On 20 July 2023, Middle East Monitor published NESA Center alumMustafa Fetouri's Op-Ed "Could oil revenue sharing trigger another war in Libya?" "Oil remains Libya's curse and blessing at the same time. It can be divisive, as it has been over the past decade, or a unifying factor in the...
Alumni Publication: "Why Government Must Champion Digital Literacy" by Charani Patabendige
On 26 July 2023,Ceylon Today published NESA Center alumnaCharani Patabendige's latest Op-Ed"Why Government Must Champion Digital Literacy." "Governments have a crucial role to play in promoting digital literacy, particularly in countries like Sri Lanka facing financial and technological...
Alumni Publication: "Foreign meddling and competing interests hinder any solution in Libya" by Mustafa Fetouri
On 27 July 2023,Middle East Monitor published NESA Center alumMustafa Fetouri's Op-Ed"Foreign meddling and competing interests hinder any solution in Libya." "Since the country fell victim to the so called 'Arab Spring' in 2011, it became an open arena for all sorts of external meddling in its...
Alumni Publication: "Whistleblowers: The Unsung Heroes" by Charani Patabendige
On 31 July 2023, Modern Diplomacy published NESA Center alumnaCharani Patabendige's latest Op-Ed "Whistleblowers: The Unsung Heroes." "Whistleblowers play an indispensable role in combatting bribery and corruption, acting as a highly effective strategy to preserve the security of any nation....