Human Trafficking / Smuggling
Human Trafficking / Smuggling The illegal trade in human beings for the purposes of reproductive slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor, or a modern-day form of slavery.
2017 Alumni Scholars Announced
The Alumni Programs Office is pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 Marshall Center Alumni Scholarships. This year, we solicited applications from nearly 12,000 alumni, and received over 200 proposals for 8 available scholarships. The Faculty Scholarship Committee read through all...
2023 Dynamics of Countering Human Trafficking in South Asia and the Gulf Seminar
From22– 25 May 2023, the NESA Center conducted a seminar titled “Dynamics of Countering Human Trafficking in South Asia and the Gulf.” The four-day seminar was held in Muscat, Oman. It was designed to help participants assess, analyze, and identify opportunities to effectively counter human...
Costa Rican alumni network holds roundtable about human trafficking in San José
On March 1, 2017, members of the Perry Center’s Costa Rican alumni network and representatives of the National Coalition against Human Trafficking (CONATT) held a roundtable about security policy and human trafficking in San José, Costa Rica. The event was moderated by alumna Marjorie Rojas...
Counternarcotics, Global Threats Official Advises Security Professionals on CTOC Strategy
By Emma Bareihs Public Affairs Office George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany – It is essential to create a strategic plan before attempting to tackle a problem like transnational organized crime, said the Deputy Assistant Secretary of...

DIILS Combating Human Trafficking, Gender and Child Violence seminar participants and instructors, Kinshasa, DRC. DIILS hosted an executive seminar in Kinshasa, DRC, on legal issues associated with combating Human Trafficking and Gender & Child Violence. The participants...
Dynamics of Countering Human Trafficking in South Asia and the Gulf
From 30 August–1 September 2021, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies arranged a three-day virtual seminar to help participants assess, analyze, and identify opportunities to effectively counter human trafficking in South Asia and the Gulf and improve regional...
Dynamics of Countering Human Trafficking in South Asia and the Gulf Seminar
From 20–24 May 2024, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies hosted a Dynamics of Countering Human Trafficking in South Asia and the Gulf Seminar held at National Defense University in Washington, D.C. The seminar was designed to help participants assess, analyze, and...
Dynamics of Countering Human Trafficking in Southwest Asia and the Gulf Seminar
From 28 August – 01 September 2022, the NESA Center conducted a seminar titled “Dynamics of Countering Human Trafficking in Southwest Asia and the Gulf.” The four-day hybrid workshop was held in Muscat, Oman. This seminar was designed to help participants assess, analyze and identify...
Executive Seminar: New & Emerging Security Challenges
From 6-17 December 2021 – the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies (NESA Center) conducted an Executive Seminar on “New and Emerging Security Challenges.” Leading academics and practitioners presented on a variety of non-traditional security threats, including climate change,...
Fast Facts: Countering Transnational Organized Crime 18-14
By Public Affairs Office George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany (Aug. 2, 2018) – The Marshall Center is hosting the Program on Countering Transnational Organized Crime 18-14 from Aug. 2 to 24. The Program on Countering Transnational...
Global Law Enforcement Professionals Strategize Ways to Counter Transnational Organized Crime at Marshall Center
By James E. Brooks, George C. Marshall European Center Public Affairs Director GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany (Aug. 28, 2017) – Give any one of the 78 law enforcement professionals who graduated from the George C. Marshall European Center’s Countering Transnational Organized Crime course...
Jamaica Alumni Chapter Hosts Symposium on Human Trafficking
The Perry’s Center Jamaican Alumni Chapter organized and hosted a symposium on “Human Trafficking: The Scourge” led by chapter President, George Benson, and guest speakers Carol Palmer, Permanent Secretary – Ministry of Justice, Lisa Palmer-Hamilton – Office of the Director of Public...
Latest Issue of ‘per Concordiam’ on Migration Published on Marshall Center Website
By Public Affairs Office George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany (Sept. 24, 2018) – The latest issue of ‘per Concordiam’ is posted on the Marshall Center website at This is the 32nd issue of ‘per Concordiam,’...
Launch of Human Rights and Cyber Policy Resident Courses
On July 8, Perry Center Director Dr. Paul Angelo welcomed 60 participants from 19 countries for the resident phase of two courses: “Strategic Implications of Human Rights and Rule of Law” and “Cyber Policy Development and Artificial Intelligence Applications for Defense.” Dr. Angelo was joined...
Marshall Center Alumni in Greece Hold First Networking Event in Athens in Conjunction With GCMC Seminar on Border Security
On 24 September in Athens, Greece, the Marshall Center and U.S. Embassy partnered to host a networking reception at the residence of the U.S. Defense Attache in conjunction with a three-day Marshall Center Seminar on Border Security. Over seventy alumni and guests were welcomed by...
Marshall Center Alumni Spark Policy Change, Big Criminal Busts
By Christine June GCMC Public Affairs GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany (March 2, 2017) – More than a half-a-million dollars was seized and several criminals arrested in the first and second stand-alone money-laundering busts in Trinidad and Tobago in November 2016. This historical bust...
Marshall Center Course Improves English Skills to Fight Organized Crime
By Christine June GCMC Public Affairs George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany – Although not her native language, Police Inspector Irena Marelja speaks English every day in her job as inspector for analysis and data processing in Bosnia...
Marshall Center Course Strengthens Language Skills to Fight Organized Crime
By Christine June GCMC Public Affairs GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany (May 9, 2017) – Dr. Ion Nastas, who is tasked with preventing and combating corruption in his country, has an answer for those who ask him why he needs to speak English since he works in the Republic of Moldova and...
Marshall Center Educates Security Professionals to Counter International Illicit Threat Networks
By Christine June Public Affairs Office George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany (March 8, 2019) – International illicit threat networks operate with the intent to cause great harm to people, resulting in mass causalities, said the Deputy...
Marshall Center Fights Transnational Crime with 104 Participants from 53 Nations
By Emma Bareihs Public Affairs Office George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany – Security professionals from 53 countries will be able to act swiftly and effectively on transnational criminal organizations after their participation in the...

Per Concordiam Vol. 12 No. 1
The latest issue of Per Concordiam is published. For the English version, please click HERE to open the issue in a new tab. Для русской версии, щелките ЗДЕСЬ, чтобы ее открыть в новой вкладке Links to past issues can be found on the per Concordiam public website.

Alumni Publication: "Hidden Horrors: Online Child Pornography" by Charani Patabendige
On 16 August 2023,Asia Pacific Security Magazine (APSM) published NESA Center alumnaCharani Patabendige's article"Hidden Horrors: Online Child Pornography" on child pornographylaws, national security implications, and challenges. "Child pornography is often viewed as a moral or criminal offence...

Alumni Publication: "The Invisible Trap" by Major Sandun Gunawardana
On 15 December 2023, the NESA Center published Sri Lankan alum Major Sandun Gunawardana's educational comic book, “The Invisible Trap.”Major Gunawardana created the comic book to enhance awareness of Anti-Human Trafficking around the globe. Read the 16-page comic book Script by Major Sandun...

The Bahamas: A Case Study in Confronting PRC Influence
In this article for US Northern Command’s magazine,The Watch, Dr. William Godnick describes the contours and challenges faced at the United States’ "third border" in the Caribbean, specifically the multi-island state of the Bahamas. Dr. Godnick outlines the long-standing bilateral relationship...

Alumni Publication: "Human Trafficking" by Major Sandun Gunawardana
On 30 July 2024, the NESACenter for Strategic Studies published alumMajor Sandun Gunawardana's latest Op-Ed on human trafficking. "Human trafficking is a severe offence which violates the fundamental human rights of the victims, and it creates physical and mental harassment against the victims...

Marshall Center Transnational Weekly
The Marshall Center Transnational Weekly is a current awareness, information and policy tool for Marshall Center stakeholders, faculty, staff, students and alumni to inform them about online publications by think tanks, research institutes and other organizations that deal with transnational...

Alumni Publication: "Strengthening Preventive Measures to Combat Trafficking for Forced Criminality Through Effective Intelligence Sharing and Cooperation in the Southeast Asian Region" by Major Sandun Gunawardana
On 05 November 2024, theNESACenter for Strategic Studies published alumMajor Sandun Gunawardana's latest Op-Ed, titled "Strengthening Preventive Measures to Combat Trafficking for Forced Criminality Through Effective Intelligence Sharing and Cooperation in the Southeast Asian Region." ABSTRACT...