Security Cooperation Logistics

Jordan Seminar
Arab-Israeli Conflict: Israel/Jordan Trust to Enhance Defense and Security Cooperation Seminar

From 9 to 12 August, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies conducted a four-day seminar titled, “Arab-Israeli Conflict: Israel/Jordan Trust to Enhance Defense and Security Cooperation Seminar” to assess ways to establish peace and security cooperation between Israel and...

Dr. Gawdat Bahgat (left) and Dr. Roger Kangas (right) taking questions during the NESA-NDRU Strategy Seminar.
Armenian National Defense Research University Strategy Seminar

From 11–14 April 2022, NESA Center Academic Dean Dr. Roger Kangas, NESA Center Professor Dr. Gawdat Bahgat, and NESA Center Professor Richard Wiersema conducted a Strategy Seminar with thirty members of leadership and faculty at the Armenian National Defense Research University (NDRU) in...

Iraq National Defence College Discussion

31 March 2021 – The NESA Center conducted a virtual private event for the National Defence College of Iraq to address the challenges and obstacles ahead of U.S.-Iraq relations under the new Biden Administration. The discussion was led by Mr. Daniel Curfiss, with a welcome by NESA’s Academic...

Launch of Human Rights and Cyber Policy Resident Courses
Launch of Human Rights and Cyber Policy Resident Courses

On July 8, Perry Center Director Dr. Paul Angelo welcomed 60 participants from 19 countries for the resident phase of two courses: “Strategic Implications of Human Rights and Rule of Law” and “Cyber Policy Development and Artificial Intelligence Applications for Defense.” Dr. Angelo was joined...

Perry Center Conducts Academic Exchanges and Alumni Event in Dominican Republic
Perry Center Conducts Academic Exchanges and Alumni Event in Dominican Republic

Last week, Perry Center Director LTG (ret.) Frederick Rudesheim, Professors Boris Saavedra and Celina Realuyo, and Educational Outreach Specialist Kara O’Ryan traveled to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, to conduct a series of official visits and academic exchanges with institutional...

Perry Center Hosts Ad-Hoc Working Group for XIV CDMA
Perry Center Hosts Ad-Hoc Working Group for XIV CDMA

On Thursday, November 21st and Friday, November 22nd, 2019 The William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies hosted the Ad-Hoc Working Group on the Evolving Role of the Armed Forces in Defense and Security as a part of the XIV Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas (CDMA)....

Perry Center Participates in Wilson Center Mexico Institute’s 8th Annual US-Mexico Security Conference
Perry Center Participates in Wilson Center Mexico Institute’s 8th Annual US-Mexico Security Conference

Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo participated in the Wilson Center Mexico Institute's 8th Annual US-Mexico Security Conference on January 15, 2020 where she spoke on her latest publication "Countering the Evolving Drug Trade in the Americas" addressing the opioid epidemic and growing drug...

On April 30, 2024, Professor Celina Realuyo spoke on the fentanyl epidemic in the US and bilateral efforts to curb illicit fentanyl flows from Mexico in the US on the “Beyond Borders: Future Paths for Security Policies” panel at the US-Mexico Forum 2024 h
Perry Center Professor Speaks at 2024 US-Mexico Forum hosted by UCSD

On April 30, 2024, Professor Celina Realuyo spoke on the fentanyl epidemic in the US and bilateral efforts to curb illicit fentanyl flows from Mexico in the US on the “Beyond Borders: Future Paths for Security Policies” panel at the US-Mexico Forum 2024 hosted by the UC San Diego. Other...

Metcalfe's Law
The Nature of Power: A Metcalfe’s Law National Security Strategy

“The Nature of Power: A Metcalfe’s Law National Security Strategy” by James Sullivan is the latest paper written for DKI APCSS’ Security Nexus. In his paper, Sullivan says that “the world is at a crossroads is true, but not in the way it is popularly understood.” He states, “Peer...

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The Bahamas: A Case Study in Confronting PRC Influence
The Bahamas: A Case Study in Confronting PRC Influence

In this article for US Northern Command’s magazine,The Watch, Dr. William Godnick describes the contours and challenges faced at the United States’ "third border" in the Caribbean, specifically the multi-island state of the Bahamas. Dr. Godnick outlines the long-standing bilateral relationship...

From Peril to Partnership: US Security Assistance and the Bid to Stabilize Colombia and Mexico
From Peril to Partnership: US Security Assistance and the Bid to Stabilize Colombia and Mexico

Plan Colombia and the Mérida Initiative are the two most significant US security assistance efforts in Latin America in the twenty-first century. At a time when US objectives in the Middle East and Central Asia were flagging, Colombia was a rare US foreign policy victory—a showcase for...

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