Migration (International/Intranational)
Covers trends in intra/international migration due to social, climactic, political, economic, and religious issues, as well as armed conflicts.
Counterfeiting and Migration Workshop
On 09 September 2021, NESA and AFRICOM, in partnership with WJPC, GCMC, and IEMed, conducted a Counterfeiting and Migration Workshop as part of its virtual Transnational Threats Series. The Series began with a Transnational Threats Workshop held online on 28 January 2021 laying out broad...
NESA-AFRICOM 2023 Workshop Series and NESA Center Women, Peace, and Security E-Book Release
From 29 April – 6 May 2023, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies, in partnership with U.S. Africa Command, held three back-to-back workshop series in Bangkok, Thailand, for senior government and civilian security experts and a “whole of society” approach from 24...
Security Implications of Mass Returning Migrant Workers Due to COVID-19 Crisis
Security Implications of Mass Returning Migrant Workers Due to COVID-19 Crisis Abstract: The issue of mass returning migrant workers has broad implications for human, national and regional security domains that go well beyond increasing unemployment. This paper reports on the complex web...
Alumni Publication: "Boats of Bengal: The United States Must Step Up" by Commander Kevin Duffy
In July, the U.S. Naval Institute'sProceedings Magazinepublished the article"Boats of Bengal: The United States Must Step Up" by NESA Center alumCommander Kevin Duffy, U.S. Coast Guard (Retired). Duffy writes that there is an "urgent need for change in the Bay of Bengal and the adjacent Andaman...
Alumni Publication: "An Iranian Reversal on Afghan Refugees" by Shanthie Mariet D'Souza
On 14 November 2023,The Diplomatpublished NESA Center alumna Shanthie Mariet D'Souza's article"An Iranian Reversal on Afghan Refugees." "The difference between the deportation policies targeting Afghans in both Pakistan and Iran is the noise surrounding these efforts," writesD'Souza. Read the...
Alumni Publication: "The Plight of Deported Afghans" by Shanthie Mariet D'Souza
On 15 January 2024, The Diplomat published NESA Center alumnaShanthie Mariet D'Souza's article,"The Plight of Deported Afghans," on "an unending refugee and humanitarian crisis the world seems to have forgotten." "The unrelenting season of forced homecoming continues for Afghans who had sought...
Alumni Publication: "Impasse at Torkham: Pakistan’s Border Closure a Pressure Tactic on the Taliban" by Shanthie Mariet D'Souza
On 20 January 2024,The Diplomatpublished NESA Center alumnaShanthie Mariet D'Souza's article,"Impasse at Torkham: Pakistan’s Border Closure a Pressure Tactic on the Taliban." "Pakistan is leveraging the border as a tool of pressure to secure its political interests vis-a-vis Afghanistan," writes...
Africa-to-Europe value chains: How nearshoring can mitigate Europe’s migration crisis and aid energy transition
On 08 February 2024, the International Centre for Migration Policy Developmentpublished NESA Center regular speaker Professor Michaël Tanchum's article,"Africa-to-Europe value chains: How nearshoring can mitigate Europe’s migration crisis and aid energy transition." "Africa-to-Europe value...
Alumni Publication: "G7 Summit: Algeria Strategic Partner in Mediterafrica" by Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui
On 15 June 2024,theNESA Center for Strategic Studies published alum Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui'slatest article titled"G7 Summit: Algeria Strategic Partner in Mediterafrica." "The presence of the President of Algeria at this summit will be an additional opportunity to reaffirm Algeria’s principles,...
Alumni Publication: "The security aspect of illegal migration policies in North Africa" by Eman Ragab
In the Spring of 2024, PRISME (Pathways to Renewed and Inclusive Security in the Middle East) publishedNESA Center alumnaEman Ragab's article on the security aspect of illegal migration policies in North Africa. "North African countries occupy a central position in the complex issue of migration...