DIILS' instructor discusses Human Rights with members of the class.DIILS conducted a seminar on Counter-Terrorism in accordance with the Law of Armed Conflict and Human Rights in Sana'a, Yemen in April. The DIILS team engaged with 65 Yemeni participants, including officials from the...
Saudi Ministry of Defense Conflict Termination Workshop
From 23–27 October 2022, the NESA Center conducted a mobile training team course of instruction on conflict termination on conflict termination theory, negotiations theory, and case studies for the Saudi Ministry of Defense (MOD). The week-long workshop was held in Riyadh, KSA. The Saudis...
The NESA Center Hosts His Excellency Yemeni Ambassador Mohammad Al-Hadhrami for a Roundtable
NESA Center Executive Officer Sam Marrero moderated a roundtable with His Excellency Yemeni Ambassador Mohammad Al-Hadhrami and NESA Center Faculty on Thursday, 28 July 2022, at 1330–1500 in Washington, DC. Ambassador Al-Hadhrami began his tenure as Ambassador in March 2022, having served...
Washington Seminar “A Superpower Awakens: Managing Security in Ukraine and the Middle East in the Modern Age”
On Wednesday, 21 September 2022, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies hosted a Washington Seminar Discussion in Washington, D.C. The seminar was titled “A Superpower Awakens: Managing Security in Ukraine and the Middle East in the Modern Age.” NESA Center Director...
Alumni Publication: "Counterpiracy Lessons for the Current Crisis in Yemen” by Commander Kevin Duffy
The U.S. Naval Institute published NESA Center alum Kevin Duffy’s latest Op-Ed, “Counterpiracy Lessons for the Current Crisis in Yemen,” in the January 2024 issue of Proceedings. "Over the past two months, international attention has been increasingly drawn to the waters...
Alumni Publication: “More Than Just a Boundary Dispute: The Regional Geopolitics of Saudi-Yemeni Relations” by Fadhl Al-Maghafi
NESA Center alum Fadhl Al-Maghafi authored a thesis titled “More Than Just a Boundary Dispute: The Regional Geopolitics of Saudi-Yemeni Relations” for the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London. Abstract: This thesis questions whether the territorial...
Brookings Initiative on Nonstate Armed Actors
On 27 January 2023, The Brookings Institution released part I of the Initiative on Nonstate Armed Actors annual briefing book. The newly released commentary discusses some of the key trends, issues, and priority areas regarding illicit economies, organized crime, and nonstate armed actors and...
CSAG Information Paper: "Chinese-brokered Iran-KSA Détente, 'A Game-Changer or a Mirage?'”
Subject: Chinese-brokered Iran-KSA Détente, “A Game-Changer or a Mirage?” Purpose: To present CSAG’s analysis of the recent rapprochement between Iran and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) brokered by China. Introduction: The recent diplomatic agreement between Iran and KSA in March 2023 is...
CSAG Information Paper: “Reawakening Threats: The Reemergence of Islamic State Amid Global Distractions”
Subject: "Reawakening Threats: The Reemergence of Islamic State Amid Global Distractions." Purpose: This paper examines the reemergence of Islamic State (IS) in the Middle East. IS continues its recruiting efforts, resulting in a steady trend of malign activities in the region, while the...
CSAG Strategy Paper: "Yemen After the KSA-Iran Agreement: From Dreams to Harsh Reality and How This Fed Houthi Behavior in the Current Crisis"
Overview: In 2014, Houthi rebels overtook Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, in a push for increased military and political power, starting Yemen’s long-lasting civil war. The chaos created by the Houthi insurgents jeopardized the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) ambition for stability in the region,...
CSAG Strategy Paper: “The Hardest 'Soft' Approach on the Yemeni Crisis: An Opportunity to Retake the Initiative in the Middle East”
Overview: Armed conflicts, across human history, brought unquantifiable loss of fortune, lives, and cultural diversity, effectively stalling, nullifying, or even reversing civilization progress, in countless occasions. This paper aims to clear the “fog of war” that is covering Yemen and the...
Faculty Publication: "Saudi-Iran Rapprochement: A contrarian view" by David Des Roches
On 26 April 2023, Azure Strategy published NESA Center Professor David Des Roches's Op-Ed "Saudi-Iran Rapprochement: A contrarian view" on what the Beijing-brokered Saudi-Iran agreement reveals about the Middle East roles of the U.S. and China. "The resumption of Saudi-Iran diplomatic...
Turkey's role after the Black Sea grain deal collapse has become even more critical
On 24 July 2023, The National (UAE) published NESA Center regular speaker Professor Michaël Tanchum's Op-Ed "Turkey's role after the Black Sea grain deal collapse has become even more critical." Tanchum argues Ankara is a vital link in some of the Middle East’s most vulnerable countries'...