E-Learning Facilitation

ADL attendees attend a workshop on 'Motivational Design in E-Learning', taught by CDR Geir Isaksen (NOR)."
ADL WG meeting in Riga, Latvia

Riga, Latvia (May 17, 2016) -- The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group, sponsored by the Partnership for Peace Consortium (PfPC) met from 25 - 27 April 2016 in Riga, Latvia. The Latvian National Defence Academy hosted over 40 Advanced Distributed Learning experts from 15...

ADL WG in Gerogia 2016
Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group meeting in Georgia

Tbilisi, Georgia (28 November, 2016) – The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)/Technical Standards Working Group conducted its latest workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia from 15 – 17 November 2016. This event brought together 40 experts from 16 countries to review modern e-learning standards and...

Teaching Gender in the Military a Handbook
DCAF PFPC Teaching Gender in the Military - Handbook

The Teaching Gender in the Military Handbook documents the knowledge outcomes of a series of four workshops organised by the Security Sector Reform and Education Development Working Groups of the Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes (PfPC)....

Defense Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia welcomes participants to the ADL workshop.
Defense Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia welcomes participants to the ADL workshop.

In her remarks opening the event, Her Excellency Radmila Sekerinska welcomed the participants, and underscored the importance of international cooperation to promote both professional education and how it links to future security. “North Macedonia has strength in its diversity and welcomes...

NSO Digital Badges
Digital Badges at NSO

A digital badge is essentially a validated indicator of accomplishment that will enable NSO students and instructors to share their credentials on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, via email or embedded in a personal website, in a way that can be credibly verified. When an individual clicks on a...

ADL Georgia
E-learning specialists help partner nations to enhance defense education capabilities

Tbilisi, Georgia (28 November, 2016) – The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)/Technical Standards Working Group conducted its latest workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia from 15 – 17 November 2016. This event brought together 40 experts from 16 countries to review modern e-learning standards and...

Gaming Major Power Rivalry and Climate Disasters Using Systems Tools

“Gaming Major Power Rivalry and Climate Disasters Using Systems Tools” is the title of paper by DKI APCSS’ Dr. Deon Canyon and former visiting scholar Jonathan Chan forSecurity Nexus. This paper documents a methodology for creating crisis-games that are designed to explore possible futures in...

iFEST 2021
iFEST 2021

iFEST 2021 Online Conference Mark your calendars for 31 August – 2 September to join us virtually for iFEST 2021. A year of dramatic shifts in online education and training have made iFEST 2021 a must-participate conference for the distributed learning community. iFEST brings together...

International Innovations in the Classroom @ I/ITSEC 2018

By Gheorghe (Gigi) Roman, ADL Colonel (USAF) Timothy Dreifke, Commandant of the NATO School Oberammergau (NSO), was invited to take part in the Signature Event Panel of the International Innovations in the Classroom at the annual Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education...

International Innovations in the Classroom @ I/ITSEC 2018

By Gheorghe (Gigi) Roman, ADL Colonel (USAF) Timothy Dreifke, Commandant of the NATO School Oberammergau (NSO), was invited to take part in the Signature Event Panel of the International Innovations in the Classroom at the annual Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education...

An instructor uses Schoology to converse with his students from their dorms
Language center students, instructors go the distance with distance learning

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas -- Despite the changes and preventative measures that are part of COVID-19, students from the 637th Training Group, also known as the Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC), have innovated and transferred to a digital learning...

NATO eLearning Banner
M7-126 NATO eLearning Instructional Design Course

Each year NATO School will conduct two iterations of the “M7-126 NATO eLearning Instructional Design Course”. It aims to provide participants with the basic knowledge required to create eLearning products. Furthermore the students will learn how to implement and evaluate eLearning solutions in...

ADL Yerevan
Multinational experts advise partner nations on electronic learning technology

Yerevan, Armenia (November 16, 2015) – From 10 - 13 November 2015, 45 experts across 14 countries conducted a workshop to review state-of-the-art electronic learning technologies as part of an ongoing effort to assist partner nations in the implementation of such technologies. In addition, the...

NATO JADL online course catalog
NATO Joint Advanced Distributed Learning Online Course Catalog 2019

NATO Joint Advanced Distributed Learning has published the Online Course Catalog 2019 and this isavailable for download on JADL and on GlobalNET here.

NATO Online Course Catalogue
NATO Online Course catalog 2020

This catalogue captures the current course list available to NATO, NATO nations and partners. Since this list changes frequently, readers are encouraged to visit the Joint Advanced Distributed Learning (JADL) website at https://jadl.act.nato.int for the most current listings. The courses...

NSO eLearning
New NSO eLearning Platform!

If you are scheduled to attend a course at NATO School Oberammergau you will receive instructions to access the NEW NSO eLearning Platform from your Course Director. NATO School Oberammergau has discontinued use of the GlobalNET Platform! Contact ADL Help:DL.Help@natoschool.nato.int

NATO eLearning 2018 - Architects of Future Learning

The showcase of the 13th Annual e-Learning Forum, hosted by Joint Advanced Distributed Learning, Allied Command Transformation (ACT) in September 2018 in Norfolk, Virginia, was won by NATO School Oberammergau (NSO) M7-126 alumni. During the showcase, ADL teams from several...

ADL Riga 2016
Partner nations meet to discuss strategies for implementing new e-learning technology

Riga, Latvia (May 17, 2016) -- The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group, sponsored by the Partnership for Peace Consortium (PfPC) met from 25 - 27 April 2016 in Riga, Latvia. The Latvian National Defence Academy hosted over 40 Advanced Distributed Learning experts from 15...

ADL Romania 2015
Partner nations pledge to integrate computer-based learning practices into Defense Education Enhancement Programs

Bucharest, Romania (April 24, 2015) - Computer-based learning has revolutionized the education community and the Partnership for Peace Consortium'sAdvanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Groupis helping to further usher online learning technologies into partner nations' defense education...

Dr. Luis Bitencourt lectured via VTC on “Challenges for Defense Governance in a Complex and Rapidly Changing World”
Perry Center provides VTC lecture to CEDEYAC course

On October 10, Dr. Luis Bitencourt lectured via VTC on “Challenges for Defense Governance in a Complex and Rapidly Changing World” to approximately 25 students of thePeruvian Navy’s CEDEYAC (Curso de Dirección Estratégica para la Defensa y Administracián de Crisis) course. Dr. Bitencourt...


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NATO Training Technology Conference

You are invited to Everything Learning and Technology! When? 11-13 June, 2019 Virginia Beach, USA As the leader for shaping the future of NATO training, NATO Allied Command Transformation has organised this three-day collaborative event to inspire you with keynotes that hit home,...

Online courses available

This list of is updated often with online courses avaliable on PfPC LMS Powered by GlobalNET: Introduction to NATO (v.7.2) - 2017 The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to NATO structures, policies and operations, as well as, an overview of the current issues facing the...

updated 18 June 2013 Title: Building Communities of Practice through collaborative learning at NATO School

For many years ADL or eLearning was seen as a concurrent to the traditional learning approach, which is based on classroom education. It took years to understand the possibilities of this form of learning and realize a solid ADL programme is not only a nice marketing tool, it is also an enhancement...

Digital Badges